The claims you make against your auto insurance policy greatly affects your premiums. Some claims can cause a higher rate increase than others. Knowing the difference can help you to make the right choices and keep down your rates for coverage. Check out these facts about making claims and keep them in mind in the event you have to file one.
Learning the steps you need to take for filing a claim is important. Every company has different rules they follow for doing so. Making sure you talk to your agent about what you would need to do will help you get returns faster and have a better peace of mind if you ever have an accident.
The accident you have that is your fault will certainly cause your rates to increase. However, you should know the accident that is your fault and was caused by you being negligence will cause a significant increase. Violations like DUI or high rates of speed that cause you to be involved in an accident will increase your premiums greatly.
Insurance companies do monitor your claim activity. The more claims you make, even if they are small ones, the higher risk you become to companies. This applies also if you have made several claims with one company and then change to another one. Companies can still check to see the number of claims you have, made in the past with another company as well.
The part of your policy you file a claim under can determine if you experience a rate increase. The claim made under comprehensive coverage may not cause your rates to change at all. For example, if your vehicle is damaged due to a tree falling on in a storm, your rates will most likely not increase because you make a claim for those damages.
The claims made under liability and collision are the ones most likely to increase premiums. However, you might consider talking to your agent about their accident forgiveness policy. This term applies to those drivers involved in their first ever accident. You may be able to avoid your premiums going up due to this aspect of an insurance company rule.
Following up as soon as you can after an accident with your insurance company is important to you being able to move through the claim process faster. Acting in a timely manner also allows you to experience less stress during the process as well. Make sure you know the proper steps your company follows for making claims.
It is important to understand the impact of accidents on auto insurance. You can find more information about the factors that affect insurance rates and details about the reasons why you should compare car insurance for teenagers prices, now.
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Allan Koenen

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