It doesn't take much, just go against nature, fight the instincts and make wise judgments instead of just going with the flow. When men start acting more like a lady, their insurance will start costing less and less, on the road that is.
I am talking about being safer while driving, wearing that seat belt, slowing down and following that speed limit, make complete stops at stop signs and quit running that red light. Just follow the laws of the road and make sure to not get any tickets. Traffic tickets go straight to the driving record and any kind of blemishes on that will directly affect the car insurance rate. Tickets equal risky driver and risky driver label drops you right into the higher car insurance rate box.
The statistics show that women are generally more careful drivers. They will wear the seat belt more often than men will and they get less traffic tickets. They also are less likely to drink and drive. These statistics have been changing over the last 35 years though, showing women caused fatal accidents growing by 10 percent. However it is only because women are driving more miles than they used to, so men are still showing to be more risky mile for mile.
Men love the adrenaline rush when they take risks and when it comes to driving, the nature comes out on the road too. It would be beneficial both for men, themselves, as well as others on the road for them to tame that nature beast but not too many take that challenge.
If they would start acting more like the ladies maybe the statistics would start balancing out with the women but I doubt it will ever happen. It is the nature of men to take risks so boys will be boys and they will keep paying more for their car insurance.
The sad part is that a fraction of men that are cautious by nature, do not take as many risks on the roads at all, but being male, they still get to pay up with the rest of them.
Car insurance companies work by statistics and the rate they charge is directly related to the risk factor of the driver. They will calculate all the different elements of the driver's details and create a risk factor or risk score for each driver, and then based on this number they will issue a quote.
Valik Rudd writes articles about e car insurance for his website and other online publications to inform his readers about this subject. Read more articles like these on his website at
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Valik Rudd

Rudd, Valik".".25 Feb. Mar. 2012
Rudd, V. (2012, February 25). . Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Style Citation:
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