What a far-fetched idea, but that is actually how it ultimately works out. Your car insurance company will lower your insurance rate if your driving history improves. This is an old thought, just looked at from another perspective, a perspective from which you will actually get inspired to apply it to your life.
Speeding, running red lights and stop signs are all habits and not incurable diseases. Quitting is just a matter of admitting you have this habit and then taking steps to eliminating it. Wanting to and being willing to apply yourself is all it takes.
As with any habit, according to a Health Behavior Research Center based at UCL Epidemiology and Public Health, it takes 66 days to form a new habit as well as get rid of an old one. Just imagine, if you can do something for 66 days, you can continue it on forever after that.
1. Get Paid For Watching The Speedometer
Now, let's apply that to driving and quit speeding. Make it a habit to watch your speedometer regularly as you drive. Keep an eye out for speed limit signs. I mean that is what everybody does, it does not take too much effort.
2. Get Paid For Rocking
As you come to a stop sign, make a complete stop so the car rocks back a little. This will be your sign for a complete stop. Make it a habit to look for that back-rock.
3. Get Green For Counting Green
As you come near an intersection, take your foot off the gas pedal, whether it is green or not. If the light turns yellow, do not slam the gas pedal and try to shoot through the intersection but instead, slow down and stop. Count the saved green as you wait for the green light.
Those were three ways your car insurance company will pay you for following the law, not to mention the huge bonus you get of not wasting money on speeding and other fines. You should call your car insurance agent and thank them right now.
Get through the 66 days and it should be a down-hill ride for you. It will be hard at first so expect it, be ready for it. Every time you fail, get up and try again. Never give up, get your self through the 66 days. Do not stop counting the days if you stumble, continue the count, it will keep you motivated. Now go and get paid!
Valik Rudd writes articles about car insurance information for his website and other publications on the Internet. Read more articles like this one on his http://CheapInsuranceList.com website.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Valik_Rudd
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Valik Rudd

Rudd, Valik".".24 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.2 Mar. 2012
Rudd, V. (2012, February 24). . Retrieved March 2, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Your-Car-Insurance-Company-Will-Pay-You-To-Quit-Speeding&id=6903066Chicago Style Citation:
Rudd, Valik "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Your-Car-Insurance-Company-Will-Pay-You-To-Quit-Speeding&id=6903066

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