So the big day has finally come. You've passed your driver's examination and now you're getting your first car. Ex-ci-ting! Reality check-- Do you have auto insurance? Since it is mandatory in every Canadian province and territory to insure your vehicle, it is best to have your insurance sorted out before making this all-important purchase. You have heard the advice to "shop around" for the right deal on the car, why not insurance as well?
As a first-time auto insurance customer, you will likely start out paying higher premiums simply because you are just beginning to build your driving history. And while you may not have a clear picture of your driving needs and habits just yet, (is driving part of your occupational duties, as opposed to just commuting from home to workplace and/or school and back), it is worth the time to do a little "due diligence" in your research to see if anticipated travel and behavioral patterns can lead to some cost-cutting measures and ease the stress on your finances. There just may be some discounts available to you right from the start.
Here are some suggestions of the kind of questions you might consider asking yourself in regards to how you intend to use your first car.
Low-Mileage (infrequent use)
· Where do I shop for groceries? Do I always need to take the car?
· What other places or activities (e.g., gym, library, church) can I get to with alternate transportation?
· Do I intend to travel on highways a lot? (e.g., going to the lake/cottage, going to other cities)
· Am I going to socialize with a lot of my friends after work and on the weekends? Do these activities involve alcohol? Drugs? Am I at risk for impairment?
· How do I feel about being a designated driver?
· When out visiting friends, what sort of things would I leave in the car?
· What sort of security measures might I want/need? (e.g., steering wheel club, remote starter, loud alarm)
· Do I really need all the fancy gadgets like DVD players in my car? Will they be a distraction?
· What measures will I take to reduce usage (if any) of mobile devices in my car?
Defensive Driving/Improvement
· When I was learning how to drive, what were some of my bad habits? What am I doing to continually improve myself as a driver?
· Am I prepared for emergencies? (roadside emergency kit in the trunk, i.e., spare tire, jack, flares, blanket, etc...)
· How old is the car? (if buying a used car, how many repairs may it require/how often?)
In addition to working on improving your driving history and making sure you are a safe and courteous driver, auto insurance discounts may also be offered if you purchase other types of insurance from the same company (e.g., life, home, medical) or become a member of an automobile club.
A super-duper idea in shopping around for deals from auto insurance companies is not to be solely influenced by the cost of the premiums. Consider other factors before making your final decision. What is the company's customer service like? Helpful? Friendly? Convenient? Timely? Available on-line? Know what is important to you and make sure your key expectations are met.
Examining some of the key areas of your driving habits, finding appropriate discounts that might reduce the initially high costs of auto insurance will help you in the long-term to make the experience of owning your first car more pleasant. Happy (and safe) motoring!
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Bryan A Smith

Smith, Bryan A.".".28 Feb. Mar. 2012
Smith, B. A. (2012, February 28). . Retrieved March 2, 2012, from Style Citation:
Smith, Bryan A. "."

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