Saturday, March 3, 2012

Best Time to Shop for Car Insurance

ByTom Ando

Insurance shopping is different than other purchases that you make. There are many sales throughout the year during the holidays, last chance deals, incentives, and liquidation sales. However the really depends on your current policy and the reason behind the switch. It is a good idea to start shopping around or comparing rates once your renewal is received.

Renewal paperwork is mailed to you approximately four to five weeks in advance. The paperwork usually contains what your car insurance rates will be. If for any reason you see that there will be a major change in your car insurance premium rates, it may be a good idea to start looking for alternate insurers. It is also a good idea to call your current agent to discuss options that you may have if you think your rates will be
too high.

There are a few perks if you shop for insurance ahead of your renewal. They are:

- Clean break from your insurance company if you switch at the time of renewal
- Discounts may be available if you shop ahead of your renewal date
- You will have recent copies of important paperwork such as your declarations page

Having a copy of your declarations page is very important as it proves your current car insurance coverage. It also verifies proof of prior insurance that can help lower future insurance rates. It is also handy to have as it provides an accurate comparison between your current coverage and insurance quotes that you receive. Make sure to receive a copy of your declaration page before you start shopping around.

To receive a better car insurance discount it is beneficial to shop ahead of your switch date. Insurance companies tend to reward responsible clients who shop ahead of time by offering them advanced quote discounts.

It is also possible to switch insurance at any time. There may be many reasons for this, lower rates at a competing insurance provider, dissatisfaction with your current agent, or service. If you decide to switch insurance make sure that you will not be charged with a penalty fee. You will also be refunded any unused premium money within a few weeks of your cancellation.

There are some things to keep in mind if you decide to switch your insurance carrier midterm:

- Make sure to give yourself extra time between shopping and switching
- Decide on a good payment date
- Make all of your payments on time and up to date

If you do not keep up with your car insurance payments, and decide to cancel your policy, you will still be responsible for all the time you were insured. Make sure to have all of your payments current because it will make switching insurance carriers much smoother. One benefit to switching insurance midterm is that it allows you to choose the day of the month that you would like your payments to be due.

Shopping for car insurance may be a hassle but it can really save you money in the long run. The absolute best time to shop for insurance is after you have received you renewal paperwork. However you can also switch your insurance midterm, especially if you are not satisfied with your current insurance provider.

There are many useful tips and advice on car insurance online. Research as many insurance providers as possible and make sure to receive several quotes to get the best deal.

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Insurance: Car-Auto
Tom Ando

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Ando, Tom".".24 Feb. Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Ando, T. (2012, February 24). . Retrieved February 28, 2012, from­Time-­to-­Shop-­for-­Car-­Insurance&id=6902377Chicago Style Citation:
Ando, Tom "."­Time-­to-­Shop-­for-­Car-­Insurance&© 2012
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