Thursday, March 8, 2012

Determining Whether You Are a High Risk Driver

ByTom Ando

Sometimes car insurance premiums can be extremely high. There are many factors that can affect the cost of car insurance, but one sure way to pay high rates is if you are in the high risk driver category. To determine whether you are a high risk driver check the list below. Many insurance companies use similar criteria to determine who falls into the high risk category.

You are a high risk driver if you have any of the following:

1. Your record has more than 6 points in the past three years.

Your driving record accumulates points if you have multiple traffic violations or at fault accidents. The number of incidents on your record can force you into the high risk category. No driver is perfect and we can all make mistakes. However on most occasions having more than two tickets of any type can add 6 or more points to your driving record. If you accumulate 6 or more points you will not be welcome with a preferred insurance company and will most likely have to purchase insurance with a more expensive provider.

2. Driving under the influence of alcohol.

DUI is an acronym for driving under the influence of alcohol or driving while impaired. Drinking too much or consuming a substance that alters your ability to operate a motorized vehicle is a serious offense. Having a DUI on your record will qualify you as a high risk driver. Driving while drunk is extremely dangerous and can cause physical damage to your vehicle and can cause serious injuries or even death. If you have had a DUI your insurance premiums will be extremely high. Some insurance companies may not even want to insure you.

3. Being uninsured.

Many insurance companies do not prefer drivers who have no prior insurance history. Some companies that do accept drivers with no prior insurance will charge very high rates for premiums. It is beneficial to always be insured, even if you cannot afford full coverage insurance, it still pays to have liability for maintaining an insurance history.

4. Having a MIP violation, Minor in Possession.
Minor in possession refers to a minor who is caught with alcohol or an illegal substance while driving. An MIP violation can be applied to your record whether a vehicle is involved or not and some insurance carriers may be very strict when determining your insurance premiums. Some insurance carriers can treat this violation as strictly as a DUI while some may not even factor it into their driver's rating. Try to shop around with different carriers to determine whether an MIP is affecting your rates.

5. Being charged with an Open Intox.
Open intox refers to having an open bottle of alcohol in a moving vehicle. The driver does not have to be drunk in order to be ticketed with an open intox. Some states issue tickets to people who are walking while they have an open container of alcohol. Insurance companies generally do not like any type of alcohol related records. This will result in higher insurance rates in the long run.

To get out of the high risk insurance rating it is necessary to avoid major traffic violations, improve driving habits, and maintain a good insurance payment history. Over time offences will go away and your record will improve making it possible to obtain cheaper insurance.

There are many useful tips and advice on lowering car insurance rates online, so make sure to do a thorough research before making a purchase.

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Insurance: Car-Auto
Tom Ando

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Ando, Tom".".23 Feb. Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Ando, T. (2012, February 23). . Retrieved February 28, 2012, from­Whether-­You-­Are-­a-­High-­Risk-­Driver&id=6901062Chicago Style Citation:
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