You may think you are an individual, a person with an opinion and what ever else the society tells us you are. Sadly, to a car insurance company you are just another number, a car insurance policy account number to be exact. For them to run a successful business they have to treat you that way. If they deviate from that plan, and consider your specific individuality, they will lose.
The insurers base their entire business on the 'risk factors' of their policyholders. This magic term gives them the upper hand on the deal. It makes sure that the house always wins. While it looks bad having it said that way, for the individuals being insured; if they got their policy set up correctly they reap the benefits of this relationship at the time they most need it. It is a win-win relationship for both parties.
To find your risk factor, the car insurance company will look at many different aspects of your life. They will find the mini risk factors of each piece and then calculate all of it into your main number. The number they come up with will determine the rate you will pay for your insurance policy. The elements of your life they look at include the car you are driving, your age and your driving records. There are some unrelated things they look at too, things like what your profession is, your credit score and whether you rent or own your home. All these things provide different facts about you and add to, or deduct points from your main score.
Changing any of those aspects in your life to save on your car insurance will probably go unsuccessful, because there are so many things they consider. You are who you are, and there are not very many things you can do about that. However, there is a secret you can apply that will help you really save on car insurance.
This secret is to get as many car insurance quotes as you can, get 10, get 20 if you can. The more you get, the more quotes you will have to choose from. One of the easiest ways to do that fast, is to go online and find websites that let you compare quotes all in the same place. That way you don't have to travel all over the Internet gathering quotes.
Getting the ball into your court gives you the power to choose, and this is how you can break out from being just a statistic. This will also make the insurance companies compete for your business, giving you the control.
Valik Rudd writes about car insurance on his website as well as other publications on the Internet. Read about what the average car insurance rates are in the United States and how they compare from state to state on Valik's website at
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Valik Rudd

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