It's that time of year again: Time to start planning the family vacation. With the rising cost of air travel and the uncertainty of the future of many airlines, this might be the year to plan a car trip to a California destination instead. If you and your family are looking for a cheap way to spend a quality vacation that will provide a lifetime of memories, consider a vacation to Yosemite National Park, one of California's greatest treasures.
You will, of course, want to plan ahead. There are the routine car vacation details, such as getting an oil change, making sure that your car insurance is up to date, and arranging for someone to take care of your pets and check your mail.
Then there are the trip specific details, such as making reservations with the park and at any hotels that you will need to stay at overnight as you make your way through California to Yosemite. Once at the park, you can either camp in one of the Yosemite managed campgrounds or you and your family can enjoy the deluxe rooms at The Ahwahnee Resort. Obviously, if you are looking for this to be a cheap family vacation, the camping is your better option.
It is important to remember, however, that it is not permitted for you to sleep in your car or RV unless you are in an actual campsite.
If you are going to camp at Yosemite, a few safety tips will provide insurance against any unfortunate encounters with bears. Because Yosemite is home to hundreds of American black bears, the food storage regulations within the park have the force of federal law, so following them is compulsory. The best insurance against bears being in your campsite is a securable food locker. All food must be stored in a locker. Some things are considered "food" for this purpose that most people don't normally think of as food, such as trash, baby wipes, cosmetics, and soaps. Basically, anything that has a scent that might attract bears is considered food and must be in a secured food locker or thrown into a bear proof dumpster.
By attending to some preplanning such as car maintenance and proof of car insurance in California, planning your route through California to get to Yosemite, and following the food regulations of the park, you and your family are sure to have a fabulous vacation as you explore together the beauty of Yosemite. Whether you are horseback riding, hiking, rock climbing, bird watching, or fishing, Yosemite has something to offer every member of the family.
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Melany John Gombar

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