Poor credit And Car Insurance
It may not seem fair at all, but auto insurance companies are allowed to increase rates for their customers with credit problems. You could be a great driver, and you could drive a very safe car, but you might never qualify for the cheapest rates if you have poor credit.
Insurers have won the right to consider credit when they look at risk factors. They have demonstrated that people with worse credit tend to make more claims. Higher risk drivers get charged more. If insurers can use low credit scores as a risk factor, they can hand you a higher rate.
Poor credit can happen to great people. Some people have unexpected illnesses or layoffs, and they get behind on their bills. Obviously, when credit suffers, paying bills can be a challenge. That is why it probably seems unfair to get rate increases from car insurance companies at the worst possible time.
Home Policy Rates Can Be Affected Too!
Low credit scores can affect your auto insurance rates. In fact, it can also affect your homeowners insurance rates. Just when you have financial problems, it may seem pretty cruel to get dinged twice with more expensive car and home policy premiums!
Drivers With Bad Credit May Need To Shop Around
If your auto insurance rates have gone up because your credit score has declined, you may need to shop around. A lot of the top insurers do use credit as a risk factor, but not all of them weigh it the same. You need an insurer who will also consider your good driving history and other factors.
Just because you have had credit problems does not mean you will not be entitled to other discounts. Looking for deals should be a priority. When you have credit problems, you probably want to reduce all of your expenses so you can get yourself out of trouble.
If you also own a house, or even if you rent, you may be able to bundle your auto and home policies, with the same company, in order to get a discount. These multiple policy discounts are one of the most common ways to save money on premiums.
The auto insurance business is very competitive today. Because of this, your car insurance rates are also give you an opportunity to save money. If you do not like getting your premiums raised because of your credit problems, you have the right to shop around!
Do you need bad credit insurance? Visit us for more information about fighting premium increases. We would also like to help you fix bad credit as quickly as you can!
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marilyn_Katz
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Marilyn Katz

Katz, Marilyn".".13 Mar. 2012EzineArticles.com.14 Mar. 2012
Katz, M. (2012, March 13). . Retrieved March 14, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Does-Credit-Affect-Insurance-Rates?&id=6937243Chicago Style Citation:
Katz, Marilyn "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Does-Credit-Affect-Insurance-Rates?&id=6937243

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