Finding suitable car insurance and deciding which car loan to take up are two very important decisions you make other than your choice of vehicle. Choosing a bad car loan package can affect your cash flow for many years. Likewise buying a wrong car insurance package from a bad insurer can affect you for 12 long months.
Therefore you have to understand which car insurance companies really work for your good. This article reveals what to look out for and teach you how to spot tell-tale signs whether an insurer really cares about you...or not.
The first thing you must understand about the insurer is they are most concerned about their profits. This is not necessarily bad. However if an insurer try to squeeze the very last drop of cash from your pocket without giving you more benefits, you may be left high and dry. So what you need to do is check out the benefits you receive and compare this with other insurers in the market.
If the benefits are not what you really want, then ditch it. Or if there are a lot of benefits but there exists strict restrictions to access these benefits, then this insurance may be a red herring. Try to ask more questions to find out whether this is indeed a suitable insurance company you want to insure your car with.
The second thing you want to look out for is inconsistent motor insurance packages. Insurers want to earn as much as possible to they can keep their portfolio healthy. At least this helps the CEO give a satisfactory answer to the owners. Because of such pressure, they may work through many different channels and then offer some channels better customer incentives than others.
For example, if you take up a particular insurance package from an insurer through a bank, they may give you a set of benefits. But if you take up through another bank, the benefits change. This means some customers are more equal than others. You could just be unlucky enough to get the shorter end of the stick. This may seem mercenary to you, but if you understand that they too have to survive, maybe you will feel better. But avoid these insurers if you can. Their focus is not on you, the customer.
There may be yet other insurers that require you to deal strictly with the insurer directly. This may not be all that bad. But if issues arise, it is you who will lose out in the end. This is because they have their team of lawyers and have agreements that you must unconditionally sign. You can never beat them if you feel unjustified. Yet if you are really short on cash and are highly desperate, using direct insurers may be your saving grace.
Carl Vouz is a prolific writer for the car enthusiast and auto insurance community. His articles are publicized widely and has helped car owners implement insurance tips that only professionals know.
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Carl Vouz

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