The level of car insurance you require is often dependent on your vehicle and the level of risk you're willing to take. Cheaper policies tend to cost less for a reason. Essentially, when it comes to pricing cover, a good deal will depend on what is included within it.
First and foremost, you need to make sure that you at least meet the legal requirement. When it comes to car insurance, this is simply third party cover. This will only assist you in the event of a collision, with your insurer covering any damage to another party's vehicle, property or their injuries. You won't receive anything in the way of compensation in the event that your car is damaged or stolen.
Due to the extremely restrictive nature of third party cover, this might not be best for any drivers except those who own vehicles with an extremely limited value.
On the next rung on the car insurance ladder you'll find third party, fire and theft. As the name suggests, this is a slightly more developed form of cover. It fills in many of the gaps that are left with a standard third party policy, meaning that if your vehicle is broken in to, stolen or succumbs to fire, you can be compensated.
Comprehensive car insurance is generally seen as the upper most of policies. However, even at this level there are many subtle variations and additions that can be included, making one policy stronger than another.
For instance, comprehensive car insurance will always include the standard third party, fire and theft. But what you receive on top of this will depend largely on your insurer and what you're prepared to pay for. As such, some policies will allow you to drive other vehicles and still be covered, others won't. Many will include windscreen protection, again this isn't universal and will need to be checked in the terms and conditions of your policy.
So, with all this in mind, working out whether you're receiving an appropriate level of cover still comes back to your requirements and personal expectations. If you like the reassurance that comes with an extensive comprehensive car insurance policy, including cover for any breakdowns and overnight accommodation in such events, then you need to make sure that your policy covers such things.
However, as previously stated, the more you add on, the more you are going to pay. So for many, particularly younger drivers or those with previous convictions and claims, this cost can become prohibitive.
Fortunately these days the Internet has made it so much easier for you to compare prices on insurance policies. By shopping around you can lower premiums and hopefully still maintain strong levels of cover. So if you're not happy with what you've got currently, when it comes time to renew, make sure you get what you're looking for at a price you can afford.
Vincent Rogers is a freelance writer who writes for a number of UK businesses. For the best priced car insurance, he recommends Dial Direct.
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Vincent Rogers

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