Traffic violations can certainly affect the cost of your insurance premiums. The types of traffic violations that appear on your driving record are recorded as points. For each violation, drivers lose a specified amount of points off their license. Once you reach the allotted number of points for your driving privileges, they are revoked or suspended.
Drivers should know the point guidelines used for driving privileges is not the same as the point system used by insurance companies. The points used by your company are used to help determine the amount of risk you pose as a driver. The points on your license are designated for particular violations only. You can visit your Department of Motor Vehicles for learning details about the license point system.
The circumstances surrounding your violations can have an impact of how it affects your premiums. This is the best reason to always remember to call the police for filing a report about your accident. Police reports can help to serve as evidence if your accident goes to court as well. Learn more about the steps you need to take after an accident by talking to your agent.
Your driver license points can be used by your company as a way to determine the amount of your rates. When you know a company is checking your driving record, you can bet they are looking at the number of points you are driving on. For some violations, taking a defensive driving course can help you to gain one point back. This is another topic your agent can help you with as well.
Certain time periods are associated with point taken away from your drivers license. For some violations, you may have to wait three years while others could be five. Your coverage rates could show a significant decrease when you get back points. Talk to your agent about this aspect of your coverage.
The severity of violations can make a huge difference in your premiums. For example, a DUI can have more devastating consequences for your coverage than a simple traffic ticket. Making sure you are of the traffic laws and paying mind to obey then closely can help you to save money.
Taking the time to explore all your options for auto coverage is the best way to get the most for less. Discuss with your agent about the parts of your policy you can change for making a difference in your premiums.
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Allan Koenen

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