The use of bicycles for short commutes and local errands has dramatically increased in some cities, and not everyone is happy about it. As many riders find out the hard way, some drivers still consider bikes to be toys for children, and seriously question their place in traffic. Even in bike-friendly cities such as San Francisco, drivers point to a few reckless riders as proof that bicyclists pose an inherent safety threat.
The benefits of riding are well known and obvious, from saving fuel to improving health through practical exercise. Those advantages matter very little, however, to people who view bicycles not only as a safety threat, but also as another sign that the American way of life is disappearing. Some still consider them third-world vehicles, and view the construction of bike paths as a governmental intrusion.
Given the vast political divisions that exist today, bringing these opposing views together sounds impossible, but the rift is slowly healing as many drivers realize that sharing the road safely and peacefully is entirely possible. Those who view driving as an inherent personal freedom are beginning to realize that bikers are not necessarily rejecting those values, and are not pedaling for ideological reasons, but simply because it is practical.
As any bike rider who also drives a car knows, the street view from a bicycle is vastly different than the one from the driver's seat. It is hard to see a rider who habitually darts about, does not signal, or runs red lights. Even so, when a crash happens, the bicycle is usually the loser, and even a helmet offers scant protection from an oblivious truck driver who does not check the bike lane before turning right.
The perception that cyclists actually encourage most mishaps is belied by statistics, which show that riders cause cause less than 10% of the accidents they experience. Most involve unintentional driver error, including opening car doors into active bike lanes while parked. Fortunately, states such as Utah have car insurance rules and requirements that can also benefit cyclists who tangle with automobiles.
Personal auto policies may cover all damages, including pain, suffering, and even lost wages. As more people use bicycles where feasible, opposition to new bike paths and designated car-free areas will gradually decrease, and the accident rate will stabilize even further. The steadily growing numbers of riders is not a sign of national decline, but rather an indication that people are wisely learning to use an older, but still practical technology.
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Darren Kutcher

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Kutcher, D. (2012, February 14). . Retrieved February 15, 2012, from Style Citation:
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