Getting an auto insurance policy even though you have no license to drive is not an out of the ordinary circumstance. Many people that do not drive own vehicles that require coverage. Learn more about the reasons you may need to get an insurance policy although you do not drive.
In the case of license suspension, the Department of Motor Vehicles generally require you to show proof of coverage before allowing you to have your drivers license reinstated. Most companies will allow you coverage for a specified time period during which you will need to bring in your valid license for extending your coverage permanently.
You may own a car worth a great deal of money. In addition to parking this kind of car in garage, you might also think about the insurance coverage you might need. Damages from falling trees or storms can be expensive. By covering your vehicle with comprehensive insurance, these kinds of damages will be taken care of.
Choosing to add collision coverage to a vehicle when you do not have driving privileges is a topic you might discuss with an agent. If you have other people you allow to drive your car, making sure they are listed on the policy is necessary for claims to pay out in the event a driver is in a wreck. You might consider the driving record of everyone you allow behind the wheel as well.
The company you are working with may have its own set of rules regarding international and foreign issues surrounding drivers. Drivers from other countries should talk to an agent about the kind of coverage necessary is the best way to get the policy required. In this way, you will have legal status for being able to drive.
In most areas, you will need a valid license to get minimum liability coverage. Liability only covers other drivers you are involved with in an accident. If you are not legal for driving, then you will not require this type of coverage. Getting collision or comprehensive coverage is the kind of coverage you would generally choose.
Owning a vehicle, even though you may never drive, means you are responsible for the care that vehicle requires. In most case, the need for insurance coverage is important to cover the kinds of damages you do not expect. Many times, the damages caused by storm and other natural occurrences can be expensive.
Motor vehicle owners, you can find tips on how to get insurance without license verification in our Maine ins guide, right now.
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Darren Kutcher

Kutcher, Darren".".20 Feb. Feb. 2012
Kutcher, D. (2012, February 20). . Retrieved February 21, 2012, from Style Citation:
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