The auto collision insurance is a variant of automobile cover and the collision cover. Collision insurance is quite a generic term and is mainly used to describe the assurance cover in the events of collision of your vehicle. All the vehicles, covered under the automobiles head, are included in the coverage terms of such policies. Further in this article, we are going to discuss about Auto Collision Insurance Policies in detail.
The auto collision insurance is a combination of automobile and collision cover, and is quite different from the traditional auto assurance covers.
The coverage provided under this insurance policy is one of the most differentiating features. The conventional auto cover includes car repair expenses, fines by the law, third party damage costs, medical bills, compensation to the third party and many others. All this provide a broader coverage base to the conventional assurance and makes it more expensive. On the other hand, auto collision insurance has a narrow approach and covers only the damages inflicted on the car in the event of accident. Medical bills, fines and third party compensation are not covered under this policy.
Availing The Coverage
The procedure for obtaining auto collision insurance is very simple and hassle free. If your vehicle becomes a part of any road mishap as a result of collision, then you may apply for the coverage amount. You just need to fill in a simple online application form and send it to the service provider. Upon receiving your request, the company will send over an audit team to your place for analyzing the condition of your car like engine capacity, age, condition, level of damages, repairs required and much more. Your driving record will also be checked upon by the audit team and nothing more than the amount of damage to the car will be compensated to you.
Dropping The Policy
Dropping this policy seems to be quite irrational. A good number of people think that this policy has more disadvantages than the plus points. However, there are certain reasons for which one should not drop the policy. One of the main reasons of not dropping the cover is that the amount of premium is very low and in the events of road mishap, the coverage amount provides sound financial backing, as needed in the situation. The claim amount will help the car owners in getting their mean machine repaired at that very moment. The second main advantage associated with this automobile cover policy is the considerable amount of cover paid, which covers almost all the repair expenses. The compensation can be availed even if the policy holder is responsible for the accident.
Even though the auto collision insurance provides some excellent benefits to safeguard the accident repair expenses, the indemnity policy has some negligible negative points. One of the main drawbacks include that the compensation is not provided to the people who are sued or are liable to pay any fine from the court.
On a final note, it can be concluded that the combination of collision and auto insurance is an effective immunization for the financial risks. The auto collision insurance policies are well capable of covering all the collision repair expenses in an economical manner.
Car insurance is an amazing website that is apt for you if you are planning to get an auto insurance policy. Collision policy offers you innumerable benefits in terms of vehicle insurance plan.
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Carol Debra

Debra, Carol".".22 Feb. Feb. 2012
Debra, C. (2012, February 22). . Retrieved February 22, 2012, from Style Citation:
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