Car insurance is a given expense if you drive a car these days. In fact, it is the law. But many people are probably paying way more for car insurance than we should be. The problem is that these people do not know that there are a variety of discounts for different types of situations. The key is being aware of what they are and actually talking to your car insurance company about them.
One of the more common discounts is the Safe Driver discount. The reason that car insurance companies love to provide a discount for being a safe driver is because of the fact that safe drivers get into less accidents. Therefore, your insurance costs less to the company and to you. There are some companies that require you to take a course in order to be eligible for this discount. You must prove you are a safe driver by completing the program, and only then will you be allowed to claim this discount. Other companies simply require you to never have an accident or ticket. This can be difficult for some drivers, which is why there are other ways to lower your car insurance rate besides the Safe Driver discount.
Going to school can pay off for you as long as you are a good student. You can get a discount simply for having good grades, as long as you are a single, full-time student under the age of 25. All the more reason to work hard at doing well in school!
Do you carpool on a regular basis? This can qualify you for a discount with many companies because you drive a lower than average number of miles each year, which means you are on the road less and are much less likely to cause a collision. You can also be eligible for this discount if you really just drive less than the average driver.
You have the most awesome car ever, but is it costing you more to insure it? If your car is expensive to fix or has a less than stellar safety record, you may be paying more for your car insurance than you would if you had a lower profile car. Your premium can also be raised if you have a car that thieves would love to get their hands on. Opt for a less expensive premium by switching out the star car for something safer and cheaper.
Your job can be a great indicator of whether your car insurance rate will be lower or higher. If you are a teacher, chances are you can get a very good discount simply based on your occupation. Your car insurance company concludes that teachers are less of a risk on the road than, say, police officers or paramedics, simply because their job does not require them to drive fast. Teachers are also statistically more likely to have overall good driving habits.
The best way to lower your insurance rates is to talk to your insurance company about discounts you can get. You should also know how love affects your insurance premium.
Nicola Stevens
Insurance Rates
Your Car Insurance Premium
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Nicola Stevens

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