The best decisions you make are the ones you make knowing you have positive evidence to do so. Always making sure you base your choices for car insurance on the facts is important to your total savings. Learn more about your selections for coverage and how a myth may be affecting your premiums.
Insurance companies ask for your physical address in addition to a billing address. Many people have heard the weather plays a factor to the reason you give your address. The real reason companies ask for a physical location is for checking crime rates in that area. Companies would rather know how many thefts have occurred as opposed to rainy days.
The car that is sportier and faster can certainly have an impact on how much your premiums add up to. However, drivers should know the color of your vehicle does not affect the amount of your premiums. The make and model of a vehicle does matter to insurance companies. Several untrue myths surround the color of your car causing your rates to increase.
Every driver needs to know that non-moving violations are not considered in the same way way as other violations like speeding and DUI. Your parking ticket does not affect the rates you pay. However, keep in mind not paying those parking tickets will result in the suspension of your license. Suspension and other related violations do increase premiums a great deal.
The policy holder paying more premiums for comprehensive and collision may not qualify for a new car in the event of an auto accident. Many drivers are under the impression the higher premiums you pay, the more you get when a wreck occurs. The amount you may be reimbursed for an automobile is based on the worth of the vehicle after depreciation.
Most people have heard about different companies offering a grace period in lieu of late payments. You should know this is never offered by any type of insurance company for no reason. In fact, most companies will tell you it is an unheard of practice. Making sure you pay your premiums on time is vital to your coverage and to your credit score.
Talk to your agent about the parts of insurance that are based on facts and not fiction. Learning more about your coverage will also allow you more savings. Your vehicle choices will broaden as well when you know the facts about the coverage needed to drive them.
You can find details about Tennessee auto insurance requirements and a list of the best online insurance companies on our site, today.
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Darren Kutcher
Kutcher, Darren".".13 Feb. Feb. 2012
Kutcher, D. (2012, February 13). . Retrieved February 15, 2012, from Style Citation:
Kutcher, Darren "."© 2012
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