Motor vehicle collisions are unpleasant at the best of times but it is even worse when you are not the cause of one. Not only might you sustain physical injury as a result of someone else's negligence but your vehicle will more than likely be damaged and have to be repaired. What is more, medical attention is not exactly cheap and vehicle repair bills can run to thousands of rands these days, even for a basic fender-fender, as well as being highly inconvenient for you, particularly if you do not possess car insurance.
Unfortunately, considering the vast number of vehicles on the road nowadays it is entirely possible that you might wind up being involved in a car accident no matter how careful you are while driving. That being said, if you have ever been involved in an automobile accident where you were not at fault then you are probably aware of how helpful it can be to have car insurance. Say, for instance, another motorist rear-ends your vehicle during rush hour traffic. The last thing you want to be worrying about is how you are going to get the money out of them to repair your car but if you have car insurance then all you need to do is to get their details. However, do be sure to make a note of the other driver's license and registration number, as well as the make and model of their car to give to your insurer. What is more, do not allow your vehicle to be towed by anyone other than the towing company approved by your insurer.
If you are insured then the scene of the accident will probably be the last time you will need to have any contact with the guilty party because your insurer will deal with them on your behalf. You will still most likely have to pay a visit to your local police station and report the accident and then wait for your claim to be processed but this is a lot better than having no insurance at all. Being unable to sleep at night because you are worrying about how you are going to make ends meet and still pay for repairs to your vehicle, especially if they are big repairs, can be stressful to say the least. What is more, if the terms of your policy entitle you to a replacement vehicle while your car is being repaired then you will not be inconvenienced while your vehicle is 'out of commission'.
Of course, there is always the risk that the guilty party will not be able to pay your car repair bill if they, themselves, are not insured but by being covered yourself you at least will be able to get your car repaired if this happens. If they do happen to be insured, and your insurer is able to recover the full amount of the claim from their insurers, then you may even find that your excess is refunded to you. Yes, believe it or not, there are insurers out there who have their client's best interests at heart and will take care of you when you need to make a claim against your car insurance policy.
For more information on car insurance, go to
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Samson Muric

Muric, Samson".".28 Feb. Feb. 2012
Muric, S. (2012, February 28). . Retrieved February 28, 2012, from Style Citation:
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