A driving under the influence charge and conviction can be really tough on all aspects of your life. From your job to your driving status to your freedom, it can have wide-reaching impact. With that said, a DUI also has a substantial impact on your financial situation through your auto insurance. Ignoring this is dangerous, since it is one of the most profound consequences of this crime. Ultimately it all depends upon how your charge is categorized and it depends upon how many you have had. Here is some information on how a DUI will impact your ability to get insurance and your insurance rates going forward.
The first question: How is it classified?
One of the first questions that you need to determine about your DUI is just how it is classified. This is very important for insurance purposes with almost every insurance carrier. For instance, if you have just been slapped with a reckless driving charge, then your insurance will go up, but not that much. There are many lesser charges that people can plead to that will not impact their insurance so dramatically. Only when it is finally classified as a DUI charge is your insurance going to see the real impact. For this reason, individuals should be completely aware of their situation and should also fight for lesser charges when possible.
The availability of insurance
If you have gotten a DUI, then you need to recognize that the first problem is going to be availability. Many insurance carriers choose not to mess with DUI convicts. They do not want the risk and almost all insurance contracts have a clause that allows them to drop you when you get a DUI. If you are currently under a plan with an insurance carrier, you should first run and check your insurance contract to see how they feel about the issue. If they have a clause that says they can drop your coverage, then you should prepare for being kicked out in the cold with that insurance provider. This will not always happen, but it is a very real option that must be prepared for carefully.
There will also be a large impact on the availability of new insurance carriers. You may have to seek out a specialty carrier that handles DUI convicts. This will limit your choices as a consumer and it will make the entire process more difficult than you might have thought. Though some standard carriers will give you a chance, the bulk will not. Understand this so that you can tailor your search toward those individual companies that are willing to work with you and your unique situation.
A re-classifying of your insurance coverage
You will also have to deal with a new type of car insurance. The insurance companies have what is known as high-risk insurance. You can no longer just carry on with the same old coverage. For many carriers, this is known as SR-22 insurance. It is insurance that has many stipulations and you can very easily lose this coverage if you make mistakes on the road again. Getting classified with SR-22 is tough because this will often stay with you for a period of five years. While normal insurance keeps things off of your record after three years, drunk driver insurance is different.
A hike in rate
Along with going to SR-22 insurance, you will see increased rates. The rate differs depending upon which company you are going with, but SR-22 is usually in the $5000 per year range for most people. This is a huge step up from the $1000 per year rates that people are used to. The significant increase is due to the added risk that an SR-22 driver brings to the table. This is going to be a fact of life if you are going to continue to drive after you have run into a DUI situation.
If you've been charged for a DUI in Maryland, contact a Maryland dui attorney immediately. The sooner you contact a Maryland dwi lawyer, the better chances are of keeping your driver's license.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Corey_Joe
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Corey Joe

Joe, Corey".".7 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.14 Feb. 2012
Joe, C. (2012, February 7). . Retrieved February 14, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?How-a-DUI-Affects-Your-Auto-Insurance&id=6867241Chicago Style Citation:
Joe, Corey "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?How-a-DUI-Affects-Your-Auto-Insurance&id=6867241

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