There are many types of insurance out there. Some are required, and some aren't. One of those that are required, by lenders and by the state, is auto insurance. You may find yourself asking the question of why you need it. Maybe you're wondering for which situations it may prove to be useful, and which it won't. What sorts of things are covered by your policy, and what aren't? Let's focus on answering these questions and perhaps even more.
The biggest question, why you need it, is also the easiest to explain. You can never know exactly what is going to happen to you as the day progresses. Accidents happen every single day, and even if you're the best driver in the world, you cannot control the other people using the roads. Even with the best of intentions and a strict adherence to following the rules of the road, you may still find yourself in a fender bender or worse. Having a quality car insurance policy is going to save you a lot of money should this ever be the case.
Let's consider a few things. When you're in an accident, there is likely going to be damages sustained to your car. These may be minor, and they may be major. If they're minor, then chances are that your auto insurance policy is going to cover most or all of the cost of repairs in a timely fashion. If you get major damages sustained to your vehicle, you are going to be even more grateful for the auto insurance policy you decide to purchase. This policy can cover most or all of the cost of repairing or perhaps replacing a car too damaged to repair. This can be a huge benefit to have. Without the insurance policy, the thousands required to repair or replace your vehicle would be coming from you personally.
If you do find yourself without your car for any extended amount of time, many car insurance policies agree to cover the cost of a rental car for the duration of the repairs. Knowing which car rental companies your insurance policy agrees to use and which are not included is an important part of this. Make sure to you contact your insurance provider before you go and rent a car to make sure the car that you are getting is from one of their preferred companies. The cost of a car from a car rental company may not be covered otherwise.
Another thing to consider is damages to the other vehicle or property damaged in the accident. Having a quality car insurance policy could potentially help to cover those costs, in addition to the damages taken by your personal vehicle. If you happen to be hit by an uninsured driver, your car insurance may also cover the cost of medical bills that would generally be covered by the other individual's insurance provider. Preparing for all eventualities is the best form of car insurance you can get. Make sure to find a policy that works for you, at a price you can afford, with the coverage you feel safe with. Having a quality car insurance policy will give you the peace of mind you need in today's ever evolving world.
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Paul Townsen

Townsen, Paul".".9 Feb. Feb. 2012
Townsen, P. (2012, February 9). . Retrieved February 14, 2012, from Style Citation:
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