Buying car insurance can be a bewildering process, with terminology and legal jargon putting you on the back foot. However, at its core, car insurance is very simple, and by looking for a few key areas to insure, you can get a cheaper quote and better customise your plan.
Firstly, you should decide whether you want to insure more than one driver. Even if another driver uses the car only occasionally, or even has their own car, putting them on your insurance will likely lower your premium. If the other driver is considered safer, insurance providers will infer that this will lower your risk of having an accident, and they will perhaps lower your premium accordingly.
Next, choose whether you want comprehensive, fire and theft, or third party insurance only. It may seem counter-intuitive, but buying comprehensive insurance can reduce your premium, although this will depend on several factors. Check both options to see which is cheaper, but also consider how comprehensive insurance can allow you to rest assured, knowing that you're financially protected from all the potential hazards of the road.
In the event of a collision or a beak-down, you should also check to see what options you have if your car is out of action. If you rely on your car for work, then you will need a replacement if your primary car is unavailable. Although this may increase your premium, consider whether you would need a replacement car in order to continue earning an income while your primary car is repaired. If so, then paying slightly highly insurance rates could be well worth it.
If you live in a home with more than one driver, as well as adding them to your policy, you can also insure their car on your policy. Multicar insurance often works on an economy of scale, and will perhaps be cheaper than insuring each car individually. Again, in some circumstances, such as with a young driver, this may increase your costs, so the best option is to get a quote based on your specific requirements.
If you are struggling to get insurance, then you can also look for individual options, such as 'pay as you drive'. This method monitors how and when you drive, and you pay accordingly. If you can't find cheap car insurance, then a 'pay as you drive' will likely reduce your costs, and may result in you being able to get insurance with larger companies in future.
In general, shopping around is always the best option, although knowing what you want will greatly increase your chances of getting the right cover for you. Although it can be daunting, identifying the five key features to include will help make your insurance cheaper and more tailored to you.
The author of this article about cheap car insurance is a part of a digital blogging team who work with brands like The content contained in this article is for information purposes only and should not be used to make any financial decisions.
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Bruce Giles

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