If you just bought a car, and you are now planning on getting new car insurance, keep in mind that your gender and age will affect the rate of your insurance. Auto insurers tend to classify males under 25 to be in a high risk group. High risk drivers are those who are frequently involved in road accidents and damages. Thus, they make up most of the figures in the statistics of car accidents and damages. Young drivers are less experienced than older drivers, hence the underdeveloped sensory-motor response mechanism and reflexes.
Car insurance companies usually only give lower insurance cost to people with at least three years of driving experience. Young people, especially those who are new to driving, will have to live with the high cost of car insurance.
There are many ways that you, as a young driver, can later avail of lower premiums. The best way is to keep your driving record clean. If you can drive without getting involved in road accidents, bumping into someone's car, and hitting a lamppost or driving while intoxicated, you can get the chance to avail of lower rates in the future. The importance of training yourself to drive safely should be remembered, yet many young drivers cannot resist the urge to be carefree.
Cheaper cars are less expensive to repair, so they can be insured at lower rates. If you want to take advantage of low-cost car insurance, you probably should own an inexpensive automobile instead of an expensive sports car.
However, the price of the car is not the sole determinant of the insurance rate. Another important element that an insurer may look at is the security features of your car. Alarm and anti-theft systems make your car safer and reduce chances of car theft or break-in. Such features could make you eligible for lower premiums on car insurance.
Investing in driving training can increase your likelihood of obtaining a cheap insurance. Programs for new drivers are available, with comprehensive lessons that include practical training on driving in various conditions. Substantial training preps you to become a better and safer driver. Car insurance agencies may be willing to give cheap car insurance for new drivers, as long as they present safety driving certificates.
At some point in the future, you may need to modify your car to improve its performance and artistic value. But these modifications can change the cost of your insurance. Changes make your car more attractive and, thus, more vulnerable to theft. Insurance premiums could then escalate as a result.
Car insurance companies may offer a single insurance policy for multiple cars. This type of policy allows a family to get savings. You can have your car included in this single policy for multiple vehicles to avail of good rates. You can also stick with your parents' auto policy, and you may even get lower premiums. Teens and college students may have their vehicles insured under their parents' names. The teen driver is simply cited as the "named driver" on their parents' insurance policy. It's now a quite common arrangement. However, you can get your own insurance once you reach the age of 25.
For more information about a new driver insurance and car insurance for new drivers, visit our website http://www.carinsuranceinet.com/cheap-car-insurance-for-new-drivers
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cedric_P_Loiselle
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Cedric P Loiselle
Loiselle, Cedric P.".".12 Feb. 2012EzineArticles.com.14 Feb. 2012
Loiselle, C. P. (2012, February 12). . Retrieved February 14, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Advice-for-New-Drivers-on-Car-Insurance&id=6873048Chicago Style Citation:
Loiselle, Cedric P. "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Advice-for-New-Drivers-on-Car-Insurance&id=6873048EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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