Some drivers may have heard about rumors surrounding insurance. However, not believing everything you hear is wise when it comes to your insurance coverage. Making sure you base your coverage decisions based only on hard facts and not hear say is important for you to not only save money, but to get the amount of coverage you need as well.
The cost of a car does not necessarily mean it will cost more to insure. Your coverage is based on other factors aside from the cost. The make and model of every vehicle is classified using a loss history rating. Loss history is a listing of how many claims are made against a certain type of vehicle. The model with more claim incidents is the one that will cost more to insure.
The color of your car does not increase or decrease the amount of your premiums. Many people might have heard that bright, flashy colored vehicles cost more to insure because these kinds of colors denote fast and more dangerous cars. This is a myth that you should never base coverage decisions on. No matter the color of your vehicle, it will not affect how much you pay for your coverage.
Many drivers assume when they get a ticket their premiums will go higher. This is not always the case. The driver with a clean record that gets a minor ticket most likely will not see any increase in premium amounts. The driver with a marred record that gets a ticket may see increases due to repeated offending violations.
If you use your personal vehicle for business, you should add this detail to your policy. In the event you have an accident, you will need these details in a policy for covering the loss of supplies or other work related items. You can also use the cost of your business insurance as deduction on your taxes.
When you let other people drive your car, you are responsible for damages that might occur even though your friend is driving. No matter who is driving a vehicle, the responsible party for accidents with that car belongs to the person whose name is on the insurance policy. Be careful about loaning your vehicle to anyone.
When you are trying to get the best coverage for your car, make your decisions based on the facts you have discussed with your agent. If you have any questions about rumors you may have heard about insurance, be sure to ask your agent about them.
Discover how easy it is to find the cheapest car insurance for teenagers, now. You can also get tips on how to obtain free car insurance quotes online, today.
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Insurance: Car-Auto
Allan Koenen

Koenen, Allan".".14 Jan. Jan. 2012
Koenen, A. (2012, January 14). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from Style Citation:
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