Without the hard work and dedication of workers in the Department of Transportation, DOT, roads bridges, airports, and other areas concerning transportation would not be up to date and modern. Without the constant vigilance DOT workers provide communities, many areas of roadways and would be impassable.
Many people never think about the road ways they drive on every day until there is a pot hole or a bridge is out. These are problems that are taken care of by the DOT and without prompt attention, these issues could cause a lot of trouble for travelers. When paying your taxes, consider the number of workers getting paid from them to maintain and repair road ways.
Nothing is worse than being stuck in a long line of traffic due to road work. However, in the event you get frustrated because you are running late for as appointment or are simply tired of sitting in your vehicle waiting, think about the weather DOT workers face on a daily basis to make sure the roads are safe to drive on. Not only do drivers have the luxury of safer roads, they also can enjoy comfortable travels when roads are smooth and taken care of correctly.
Millions of people enjoy riding on bike trails. In fact, this is a popular activity and more paved trails are being constructed all the time. These trails are also provided through the work of DOT employees. Paved bike trails are also maintained and repaired by these same employees.
Consider the times you or someone you know has traveled by airplane. Think about the landing you may have experienced after along and bumpy flight The smooth, safe, and uneventful airplane landing is partially provided to you due to the efforts of DOT workers. The landing strip and paved areas of most airports is a responsibility of the Department of Transportation.
Inclement weather can literally shut down an entire town. Flooding and heavy snow are certainly forces of nature to contend with on the roadways. Most people are overjoyed to see snowplows coming down their street after being snowed in a few days. Many people would experience horrible flooding on their streets without the work completed by DOT employees during road construction.
Parking lots, whether at a shopping mall or a corner store, are constructed by the Department of Transportation. When you stop to think about just how many paved areas you have driven on, you can begin to appreciate the hard work and efforts of the DOT and its employees.
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Allan Koenen
Koenen, Allan".".13 Jan. 2012EzineArticles.com.26 Jan. 2012
Koenen, A. (2012, January 13). . Retrieved January 26, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Learning-More-About-Department-Of-Transportation-Activities&id=6815350Chicago Style Citation:
Koenen, Allan "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Learning-More-About-Department-Of-Transportation-Activities&id=6815350EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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